Our mission is
to inform and educate the
public in fuchsia culture,
to promote the growing and showing of fuchsias,
to provide the communication link to our member
American cultivar photos: L to R
Top- 'Princessita'- (Niederholzer, 1940); 'Royal Mosaic'-
(Garrett, 1991); 'Golden Anniversary'- (Stubbs, 1980); 'Ada
Perry' (Stubbs, 1983); 'Mrs. Lovell Swisher'-
(Evans &
Reeves, 1942)
Middle- 'Roy Walker'- (Walker, R, 1975);
'Baby Ann'- (Unknown & Westover, 1976)
Bottom- 'Ovation'- (Stubbs, 1981); 'Clashing
Beauty'- Monnier, ~2013; 'Astoria'- Unknown, 1960; 'Voodoo'- (Tiret,
1953); 'Bouffant'- (Tiret, 1949) |
Current news and updates:
If you wish to become a Member-At-Large and get the
Flash, click on “Membership”,
OR click on “Societies” and join
a nearby, local group!
The July
2024 on-line
edition of the Flash Newsletter is ready for your reading pleasure.
will be a new
Scholarship Application posted on the scholarships
The calendar of
events will be updated for 2024 and posted to the Important Dates
Photos of Fuchsia Blossoms
Key to location:
Container Photos- CP; Event Photos- EP; FF- Fuchsia Features;
HF- Hardy Fuchsia List; HP-
Home Page; ID- Important Dates; L- Links
Pictured but too
numerous to list here: 500+ Hardies & F. Species.
Go to the appropriate sections where they are shown alphabetically.
Ada Perry- L, HP
Ambassador- L
Astoria- HP, FF
Aurea- CF, HF
Baby Ann- HP
Beacon- HF
Blue Eyes- FF
Blue Gem- CF
Blue Pinwheel- L
Bouffant- HP
Brookwood Belle- CF
Cardinal- FF, HF
Clashing Beauty- HP
Daniel Lambert- HF
DebRon’s Funny Valentine-
Deep Purple- FF
First Love- FF
Golden Anniversary- HP
Jack of Hearts- L
Kam- HF
Katrina Thompson- CF
Lilian Annetts- EP
Little Beauty- FF
Mrs. Lovel Swisher- HP
Ovation- HP
Princessita- HP
Pussy Cat- CF
Roy Walker- HP
Sara- FF
Shelford- CF
Southgate- FF
Royal Mosaic- HP
Swingtime- CF
Sylvia Barker- CF
Thalia- CF
Tom Thumb- FF
Tom West- CF, ID
Voodoo- HP
WALZ Jubelteen- CF
Waveney Gem- CF
Whiteknight’s Pearl- CF