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Welcome to The Northwest Fuchsia Society Website! 10 new hardies on the Hardy List in shocking pink!   NEW SPECIES BOOKLET under "Fuchsia Books".





     In Genus Fuchsia, there are 122 named Fuchsia (Onagraceae) species, subspecies and varieties that grow wild in Mexico, Central and South America and New Zealand/Tahiti.  Not all are in cultivation in North America, Europe or Asia, but, of those that are, they are some of the most beautiful and rewarding plants to grow.

    Arranged into 12 sections by Genus Fuchsia taxonomist, Dr. Paul Berry, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, their names may be most difficult to pronounce, but growing and studying them gives insight into the thousands of hybrids they have parented as well as being intrinsically interesting.

    The variety in these species is fascinating.  Some grow in the northern part of South America, Central America and Mexico and like warmth.  They have long tubes, some up to 4”, and often are shades of orange.  Others, with red sepals longer than their tubes and purple corollas, are winter hardy on the West Coast of the Pacific Northwest and have parented many hardy hybrids. One section from Mexico includes species with wee blossoms, the smallest being only ¼ “ long. Surprisingly, they are often hardy as well.

    Enjoy the photos!


Note: The photos are in no particular order because some sections will have additions later, some photos may be replaced with clearer ones, and not all 122 taxa are in cultivation and available for photos.


Section SKINNERA- New Zealand (1)    



F. excorticata- a 40' tree in New Zealand and the source of our "aubergine" hybrids.  At maturity it is very dark in the tube and sepals.   

This tree of F. excorticata grows in Yachats, Oregon, (Gerdemann Garden) out by the Pacific Ocean. It is winter hardy but likes to bloom in spring when it is too cold in most inland areas.

Section SCHUFIA- Mexico to Central America. (3 taxa


F. paniculata subsp. paniculata- looks like a lilac, likes warmth and has serrated leaves. (Section Schufia has two other species that looks alot like this one: F. arborescens, only in Mexico with entire leaves and F. paniculata subsp. mixensis also growing in Mexico.)

Section HEMSLEYELLA- has no petals, has tuberous roots, and likes warmth.  Central America to northern South America. (15 species)


F. tillettiana is native to Venezuela.


F. pilaloensis is from Ecuador.


F. juntasensis- often likes to bloom after the leaves drop, needs warmth.  Bolivia


F. inflata would not even be recognized as a fuchsia by most, except in Peru.

Section PROCUMBENTES- from New Zealand.  (1)


F. procumbens is a common ground cover in the PNW.  It is hardy and perky and easy to grow. It also has the only yellow in the genus, and that's only in the tube. The variegated form is less vigorous but very attractive.

Section ENCLIANDRA- Mexico & Central America.  (6 species; 14 taxa)


F. cylindracea has wee, cylindrical blossoms.

F. ravenii

Fuchsias from this section cross so easily that it is very difficult to find true species today.

Section ELLOBIUM- Mexico to Central America.  (4 taxa)


While F. splendens is fairly winter hardy, it likes to bloom in early spring in the PNW when it's too cold. Note the pinch in the tube. Heart-shaped leaves stand out. Also, there is a longer-tubed version with that obvious pinch.

F. splendens var. cordifolia has lighter, larger leaves and orangish blossoms with a less obvious pinch.


Finding a true F. fulgens is very difficult, but there are a lot of hybrids with it in their backgrounds.


Chile (1 species) 


F. lycioides- Chile.  (Roberto Andres Valenzuela Castillo)

F lycioides intersects with magellanica at its northern most latitude.

F. lycioides has a root system that 'weathers over' a drought.

Section QUELUSIA- Brazil & Chile/western Argentina

This section is the best-known section in the PNW because the species are winter hardy to varying degrees and some of the plants have historical significance. (9 species; 11 taxa)  All are shades of red in the tube and sepals with shades of purple in the petals.  The sepals are longer than the tube.

F. magellanica is believed to be one of most significant species found in many winter hardy hybrids.  It came into cultivation around 1733 along with F. coccinea.  (See below)

F. coccinea and F. magellanica are believed to be the first fuchsias in cultivation in Europe, around 1733!  Their similarities led to much confusion.  One way to tell them apart is the leaves on coccinea line up, 2 by 2, directly across from each other.



Many gardeners think that they have the species F. magellanica, but they probably have a hybrid of it.  The species is very hardy, floriferous and a sturdy plant. Firewood?  Fence posts?  Sure.


F. magellanica grows in Chile (29°S- 71°S) and western Argentina.


F. magellanica mutates/sports easily so that one can find all shades of red & pink over all shades of purple to pink as well as different leaf sizes and shapes. 


On the right, F.magellanica. "Eburnea" seems to not be sure of what color it wants to be.


F. magellanica "Alba" or "Molinae" is a light pink mutation of the otherwise red over purple species. It is also very hardy and grows to about 6' in the PNW where it freezes and up to the roof top where it doesn't.





F.m "Alba" on the left.

The leaves mutated too- F.m. "Alba Sharpitor", aka 'Alba Variegata', on the right.




F. alpestris and all of this section are in cultivation in the PNW.  Other than F. magellanica, they all grow in Brazil.


Another very hardy species, F. bracelinea, is in bloom in June, and it is somewhat lax and good in a rockery.  It will have from 3 to 5 lush leaves per node with short internodes and clusters of blossoms. The photo on the right was in May with few blossoms, but the growth pattern is clear.

F. brevilobis has a very attractive blossom and soft leaves.


F. campos-portoi has small blossoms, leaves and plant growth. Its short little tube looks like it swallowed a B-B.  It seems to love cool conditions.

F. glazioviana has shiny, glazed leaves although that is not how it got its name.  Notice the thin, sharp sepals.

F. hatschbachii is very hardy and has long, thin leaves.





The lax stems with large, shiny leaves are attractive. Newer leaves can be yellow-green.  F. regia subsp. serrae is a large, lax plant.

There are four regias.  F. regia subsp. regia grows very fast and can be used to climb. It has the largest blossoms in this section.


In the taxonomy, we don't yet know where F. regia "radicans" will go.  Dr. Berry writes that he will either recognize it as a subspecies or a variety.

The hardiest regia is F. regia subsp. reitzii.  It will layer and go where it wants.

Section FUCHSIA- The largest section has 65 species, 67 taxa and shares the same name as the genus


These species grow in the warmer areas- Central and northern South America. They have long tubes and shorter sepals.  Oranges are common.




 F. andrei grows in Ecuador and Peru.  

F. hartwegii- from Colombia


Colombia  is also home to F. venusta.

F. cinerea
  Colombia & Ecuador  (FUSCA)

(Ann Tanner & Patty Finigan)

One of the best known species in this section in the Pacific Northwest is F. boliviana var. luxurians.  It has a 4" tube, large leaves and tall growth.  There is a shorter tubed version:  F. boliviana var. boliviana. It grows from Mexico through northern South America.

F. boliviana mutated to the white tube while in cultivation, not in the wild.  Putting its whole name here takes some space:  F. boliviana var. luxurians "Alba".


                      F. mathewsii  (FUSCA)

In Peru, one can find F. mathewsii and/or F. denticulata which       was popular in the 1800;s as a winter bloomer. 

    F. denticulata can be found in nurseries under some unusual names,             but they are not the correct name.

F. ayavacensis grows in Peru and Ecuador.


F. campii is Ecuadorian also.


F. crassistipula is Colombian.

Bolivia is F. furfuraceas's home.

F. dependens-  Ecuador  (FUSCA)


Ecuador again for F. lehmannii.

F. orientalis- Ecuador


F. scherffiana- Ecuador 


F. scabriuscula-  Ecuador

F. steyermarkii
- Ecuador

F. summa- Ecuador


F. vulcanica- Colombia & Ecuador

Any question why Dr. Paul Berry refers to  Ecuador as "a hotbed for species" ?

F. pringsheimii lives in the Dominican Republic.


F. santae-rosae is from Bolivia.

Ecuador, where else? F. loxensis

Colombia's F. magdalenae

To pronounce Peru's  F. simplicicaulis correctly, a hiccup is required.

F. pringsheimii  Dominican Republic  (FUSCA)


F. macrophylla from Peru.

Many wonderful hybrids have come from F. triphylla.  So few of us have the true species however!  Dominican Republic.

PHOTO CREDITS:  From the US- Patty Finnigan, Ann Tanner, Sandi Jensen, Donna Fellows John Snyder, Delta Farm, San Francisco Botanical Garden, Salli Dahl/WFSS. U. K.- Fuchsia Research International/ FRI: Arthur Tickner, Les Blaber; Fuchsia Species Conservation Alliance/FUSCA: Dave Green.  Chile- Roberto Andrés Valenzuela Castillo; France- Alain Afoufa: Société pour le Recherche et l'Acclimatation des espèces botaniques du genre Fuchsia.  For some, the origins are lost but not the appreciation.



    The Western Fuchsia Species Society, based in Seattle, meets four times a year at various locations in Washington and Oregon. Their goal is to preserve, study and grow these wonderful plants. They maintain a hardy garden at the Center of Urban Horticulture in Seattle and at Lake Wilderness Arboretum in Maple Valley.  In addition, they often contribute plants to other public gardens.

Gardeners and fuchsia enthusiasts are welcome at meetings and/or can join the Western Fuchsia Species Society  to learn more about fuchsia species.

    Contact:  Treasurer Walt North 

                                 10710- 2nd N. W. 

                                 Seattle, WA  98177.                    Dues are $10 a family per year, when collected.



2024 NWFS Calendar of Events - Events may be canceled without notice.

Important Dates of the Northwest Fuchsia Society






Sno-King/Pilchuck Fuchsia Society Display Show

9am-3pm - Join us for 'Fuchsias on Display'

Jennings Memorial Park, 6915 Armar Rd, Marysville WA

Contact: Margaret Johnston 425-210-6272 (text)

AUG 16-18

Oregon Fuchsia Society Show & Sale

Portland Nursery, 5050 SE Stark, Portland

Fri Noon-6:30pm, Sat 9am--6:30pm and Sun 9-2

Contact: Sue Randall 503-246-7920,

**Plants will be available for sale**

AUG 17

Eastside Fall Show & Plant Sale

OPEN TO ALL, Bellevue Botanical Gardens, Aaron Education Center

12001 Main Street, Bellevue WA 9am-2pm

Contact: Caroline Zebroski 360-509-1234


**Selling Fuchsias, Bearded Iris & Daylilies!**



Tahoma Fuchsia Society Show at Point Defiance Zoo Display Garden (just by the Rose Garden)

'Garden At It's Finest'




Crescent City Fuchsia & Epiphyllum Society Show & Sale

Del Norte County Fairgrounds, 421 Hwy 101 N, Crescent City, CA

Contact: Mark Danner 707-954-8455



NWFS Show & Sale


Lake Wilderness Arboretum, 22520 SE 248th St, Maple Valley WA   10am-4pm

Contact: Tammy Brown 253-226-1210 



Lake Wilderness Arboretum Fall Plant Sale

Lake Wilderness Arboretum 22520 SE 248th St, Maple Valley WA   10am-4pm

**We hope you will support the Arboretum and enjoy the Hardy Fuchsia Garden!**



2024 - NWFS Board/Annual Meeting & Potluck ~ TBD



The Northwest Fuchsia Society was established in 1983.


Mailing address:

Northwest Fuchsia Society

12735- 1st Ave. NW

Seattle, WA 98177-4221